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How to Buy a Townhouse | V Town House
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How to Buy a Townhouse

Posted by admin on June 18, 2017

Townhouses are considered single family homes even though each townhouse shares common walls. Townhouse owners, unlike condominium owners, also own the parcel of land the townhouse sits on, and may also have shared ownership in centrally located courtyards or other common spaces. Buying a townhouse is not radically different from buying other types of homes, but you should be aware of the distinctions.

Steps  :1. Contemplate the advantages and disadvantages of townhouse ownership.

    • Most townhouses consist of two levels, and sometimes three or four levels. The living and dining space, and perhaps a half bath are usually situated on the first floor, and all bedrooms, office space and additional bathrooms are on the second and third levels. If you aren’t willing, or aren’t able to, climb stairs on a daily basis, you might not want to buy a townhouse. (Some townhouse units are on one floor, but it isn’t as common because one floor of living space to each townhouse requires too much land.)
    • Investigate the construction of the townhouse you are considering. Like apartments and condos, townhouses share common walls. Noisy neighbors aren’t a serious problem if the walls have been adequately constructed with sound insulation.
    • Read the fine print of any homeowner’s association (HOA) contract. Most townhouses are governed by a HOA, but restrictions vary wildly. You may be prohibited from having a dog or pet of any kind, or you may be responsible for more exterior maintenance than you would like. There may even be age restrictions and limited parking options. Last, but not least, your HOA may come with a hefty annual fee, and there is no room for negotiation. On the plus side, many HOA’s cover the cost of roof repair and replacement, exterior maintenance, common area maintenance, and other large expenses.
    • Although you probably won’t have to worry much about maintenance and repairs, you also may not have any leeway in making changes to the exterior or even the interior of your townhouse.
    2. Think about your privacy concerns. Having neighbors on either side of your walls might alleviate any security concerns you have, but they might be noisy or obnoxious and hard to avoid.

    3. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of landscape upkeep. Most townhouses include a very small yard or patio area that the owner is responsible for. On the plus side, you will save money and time by not having to maintain a large yard, but if you want to be completely free of any exterior maintenance, consider buying a condo instead.

    4. Consider the fact that you may want to sell your townhouse at some point. If a homeowner’s association agreement has unusually harsh restrictions, you may have problems finding a buyer for your townhouse.

Source :

10 thoughts on “How to Buy a Townhouse

  • Dita
    on September 24, 2017

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    • Retno widitanti
      on March 28, 2018

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  • Retno widiyanti
    on April 1, 2018

    Bisa kontak saya? 081281761618

  • Retno widiyanti
    on April 23, 2018

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    Or wa 081281761618

  • Anggata
    on August 21, 2018

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  • XxX
    on October 6, 2018

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  • Rama
    on October 21, 2018

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  • annisa
    on November 20, 2018

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  • Hafis
    on October 23, 2019

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  • Yanuar Sulistiono
    on January 30, 2020

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